Snoqualmie Tribal Sponsorship Program

About the Program

Snoqualmie Casino is excited to support adult Snoqualmie Tribe members in activities and interests that have the potential of advancing the casino’s profile in the community, region and nation. Each year, Snoqualmie Casino will commit $30,000 to support Snoqualmie Tribe sponsorship opportunities.

Sponsorships are open to Snoqualmie Tribe Members that are 21 years of age or older. Members cannot submit applications on behalf of a minor or non-tribal member. Applicants will be required to submit an application that identifies the following:

  • Explanation of the venture, project, or endeavor seeking funding (please note: sponsorships are not available for youth-centric or intramural programs)
  • Total amount requested, up to $2500 (the goal is to award sponsorships to more Tribal Members, which may result in fewer dollars awarded than requested)
  • Outline of how the dollars will be spent (receipts must be sent to the sponsorship committee to remain eligible for sponsorships in future years)
  • Promotional exposure Snoqualmie Casino will receive as a result of sponsorship – what platforms are you advertising on, total event attendees, etc)
  • Limited to one application per Tribal Member for each calendar year
  • Recipients will be listed in the next Tribal Newsletter the following month that their award is given (ie, if it is given in April, it will be mentioned in the May newsletter)

Applications are currently open.

  • The application window is open from January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. You can only be awarded once during a 12-month period.


Have you received a sponsorship from the Casino before?

Is there an event associated with this sponsorship?

How will Snoqualmie Casino be promoted as a result of the sponsorship dollars?

Will the Snoqualmie Casino logo appear on any collateral associated with the organization or event?

Are there other places or ways that Snoqualmie Casino will be promoted as a result of the sponsorship?